Reverse Osmosis System is one of the most powerful forms of water filtration system sold in the market. In a Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtering system, it is commonly used in semipermeable membrane materials and carbon filters.
The size of the membrane is often used as a measuring stick to determine which water is inserted through the filter, and at the same time filter all hazardous chemicals, bacteria, impurities, heavy metals and so on. In fact, minerals are also
filtered using this RO filtering system.
The RO filtering system can filter clean water into the filter system.
The RO membrane is about 0.0001 micron, very smooth. Water RO pH is usually about 6.0-6.5 which is still safe to drink.
This is why RO water is purified as pure water and water is dead because it has no bacterial and mineral content on it.
Reverse Osmosis water although it is very clean, but it has no non-alkaline pH mineral which makes it OK for daily use, but there is another system that is believed to be better than this system.
Among the features of the RO system are also the discharge of water. Every molecule that enters the membrane, there is some part of the water content that needs to be removed after being filtered using a filtering system.
The system we usually hear is encouraged to use for kidney patients who are in dialysis treatment because dialysis patients can not accept minerals in water. But this fact should be referred to the kidney specialist to confirm it. Generally everyone can drink, in fact it is even more advisable to drink mineral-containing water.
For more information about Reverse Osmosis System, please visit